Practice Information

Management of Your Personal Health Information

Find out how Juniper Avenue Medical Centre manages your Personal Health Information (PHI). Whether you have billing and fees inquiries, security and privacy concerns, finding the right doctor, or would like to schedule an appointment, we are here to assist you.

Security and Privacy

We prioritise protecting your privacy by safeguarding your medical information. Your record is only accessed by authorised personnel and held securely. Your Personal health information may be disclosed for the following reasons:

Fees and Billing

Juniper Avenue Medical Centre is a mixed billing clinic in Point Cook, so you can choose the payment option that best suits your needs. We believe everyone deserves access to quality healthcare so please follow the guidelines. 

Patient Rights and Feedback

We aim to offer you excellent medical care for your well-being. If you have any ideas on how we can enhance your health experience, please share your feedback via our suggestion box, talk to our doctor, or send us an email. We take all concerns seriously and use them to refine our healthcare services. 

However, if you wish to discuss the matter outside the surgery, alternative avenues include contacting the AMA, The Medical Registration Board, or the Health Care Complaints Commission. You can reach them at 1300 582 113, or you may choose to complete an online complaint form by visiting

Phone Calls / Consultations

Need medical advice but can’t make it in person? Schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors! Ask our receptionist for booking informationand fees.

The phone consultation may take place earlier or later than your scheduled appointment time. While the doctor will call you on the same day of your booking, we cannot guarantee a specific time for the consultation.


Looking for quality medical care? We’re here for you! Schedule your appointment now by calling 9395 5566 or booking online through our website. We prioritise emergencies and urgent appointments to ensure everyone receives timely care. Please note:

Phone consultation: The phone consultation may take place earlier or later than your scheduled appointment time. While the doctor will call you on the same day of your booking, we cannot guarantee a specific time for the consultation.

Face To Face : We try our best to keep your appointment on time with a maximum waiting time of 0.5 hours. However, rarely, due to unforeseen circumstances, there may be delays. In such cases, we will keep you informed and appreciate your understanding and patience.

Reminder System

Our practice is committed to preventative and continuity of care. We may issue you a reminder SMS from time to time offering you preventative health services such as immunisation, pap smear, heart check, diabetes checks etc. Please let us know if you do not wish this to occur.

Test Results

Test results will NOT be given over the phone by Reception or Nursing Staff as they are not qualified to discuss this with you. You may ring to see if your results are in and make an appointment to discuss this with your doctor.

Sharing the Responsibility

Juniper Avenue Medical Centre believes the outcomes in health care are a shared responsibility between the patient and their doctor. The results of these can determine if any further treatment is required for your ongoing healthcare.
Typically, you will be notified of your results via a text message. For urgent results, we will contact you by phone.
If you have not received any notification, it remains crucial for you to actively pursue and follow up on your results.
Our practice strongly encourages patients who have undergone any tests to take responsibility of tracking their results


The Doctors at Juniper Avenue Medical Centre, may refer you to services outside the practice such as for an X – ray or appointment with a Specialist. A phone number and details will be provided to you to call and make an appointment. At times, reception staff will fax referrals (such as to Hospital Outpatients) or call on your behalf if there is urgency or a language barrier. Please note we cannot guarantee that outside referrals will Bulk Bill; please ask the provider if any fees or charges will be incurred.

Afterhours Service

Kindly contact  0421713980, when our clinic is closed to arrange home visits and receive phone consultation.

Home Visits

Visits to patient’s homes are available for clinic patients who are too unwell to attend the clinic. The minimum out -of-pocket fee for consultations during business hours is $250.00.

Non - English Speaking and Hearing Impaired Patients

We understand that there are patients who may require an interpreter. Our practice can request an onsite interpreter (booking made prior to appointment) or telephone interpreter for your convenience.

Phone Calls / Consultations

Need medical advice but can’t make it in person? Schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors! Ask our receptionist for booking information and fees.


You can submit complaints in writing or directly communicate them to the Practice Manager. We are committed to making every effort to address and resolve any complaints promptly.


Email correspondence with the practice is not encouraged

Mymedicare Registration

Get Quality of Care And Improve Health Outcomes

Our Clinic Address

2 Juniper Ave, Point Cook, Victoria 3030
We have a large space for car parking at the rear of the clinic. The entrance to the car park is from Dunnings Road.